I have been on the hunt for the perfect chambray shirt for months now. I’ve been very picky, wanting it to be a darker color with one or no pockets. Random fact: I don’t like double pockets on shirts. This past weekend a trip to the outlets resulted in me finally finding a chambray shirt… [Read More]
A Plaid Shirt Alternative
If you haven’t noticed from my previous outfit posts, I tend not to wear a lot of accessories. It’s not that I don’t like them, I’m just not used to and comfortable with them. It’s something I want to work on. In the meantime, tops in bright colors and fun patterns are my go-to accessories…. [Read More]
Feeling Floral
As much as I’m missing the sunshine and warm weather of summertime, I’m really enjoying this transition to fall. It’s nice to feel the crispness in the air and be able to wear pants again. Leggings I have missed you! I’ve been seeing a ton of floral prints on blogs lately. While I’m incredibly girly I don’t like… [Read More]
Navy and White Look
I love living in Omaha but am in serious denial that cold weather is coming. Can’t it be 75 and sunny all year round? Since temperatures have been in 70’s and 80’s the past few weeks, I’ve been living it up with summer dresses for as long as I can. Here is a navy and white… [Read More]
Weekend Snapshots 9.29
Good morning! I hope your day is off to a great start and that you had a wonderful weekend of making memories. This post is a recap of my weekend but really should be called, “The time I petted alpacas and took 200 billion pictures.” You’ve been warned. 😀 I ran my first 10k! I’ll be… [Read More]
Early Fall Outfits
I’ve been really trying to make an effort with my appearance lately. For so long I have been phoning it in with my outfits because I haven’t felt good about the way I look. While I’m not the size I want to be, in the grand scheme of things I’m not doing so bad. There is… [Read More]
Fall Fashion Picks
Something I have been really wanting to do lately is step up my fashion game. I have a closet full of clothes I love and a drawer full of designer denim that is truly drool worthy. (The State College T.J. Maxx has high fashion brands for rock bottom prices.) The problem with these awesome clothes?… [Read More]
6 Skincare Secrets (Giveaway!)
Disclosure: This post is not sponsored. I won a free skincare consultation from a giveaway on Let’s Talk and Walk‘s blog. I loved the service so much I wanted to blog about it. For a while now I have wondered what the heck to do with my skin. It has never caused me too many issues…. [Read More]