I thought it would be good to do a post just to catch you guys up on some things going on in my life and with my blog right now. I know this isn’t a terribly exciting introduction, but I tried to think of a good way to start this post for over an hour and… [Read More]
Weekend Snapshots 11.10
Happy Monday! Our apartment feels a lot quieter without Josh’s parents here. We did so much this past week and had so much fun. I tried to snap some photos to document it all but if you noticed I was a bit quieter on social media than usual. I was focusing on really living in the… [Read More]
Ask Me Anything: Starting a local blogging group
Hey everyone! I hope your week is going well! Time is flying with Josh’s parents here. We are doing so many fun things in Omaha and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. In the meantime I’m back with another edition of Ask Me Anything. You and Josh seem to have a great… [Read More]
Casual Classic + Ask Me Anything
Since Josh’s parents arrived we have been on a whirlwind tour of Omaha. We’re trying to hit up all of our favorite restaurants and things to do in the city. One of the things not originally on our list but Josh’s parents requested to see was the Nebraska Crossing Outlets that weren’t open the last… [Read More]
Ask Me Anything: Online Dating
Hey guys! I’ll be doing an Ask Me Anything series all week while Josh’s parents are in town. If you have a question for me leave it in the comments! Reader Question: What made you decide to try online dating while you were in college? It’s amazing that you met your husband that way and… [Read More]
Behind the Scenes Blog Tour
A sneak peak into what happens behind the scenes at Her Heartland Soul. Are you looking for my Weekend Snapshots post? It will be back next week. Today I’m enjoying hosting Josh’s parents for the week and celebrating Josh’s 30th Birthday! I’m officially married to an old man. 😉 Who nominated me? Last Monday, I… [Read More]
Weekend Snapshots 10.27
Happy Monday! I can’t believe the weekend is already over. I feel like I blinked and it was gone. It was such a fun weekend though. Here’s what I was up to: Blue Man Group Friday night Josh and I went to see the opening performance of Blue Man Group at The Orpheum! I knew the… [Read More]
How I’m taking my blog to the next level
It’s crazy to me that I’ve been blogging for over three years now. When I started I didn’t really know much about blogging. While I still feel like there is so much I don’t know, I have learned so much in the last three years. And one of the things I learned is how much more… [Read More]
Weekend Snapshots 10.20
This weekend was another awesome one. It was busy from start to finish and so much fun. One weekend the house will get cleaned and I’ll leisurely lounge around and catch up on some reading. This was not that weekend. It started off with dinner with my girlfriends at Kitchen Table. Hannah, Joanna, Jordan, and… [Read More]
Life in Omaha Lately
Life in Omaha has been pretty great lately. I feel like I always talk about how much cool stuff there is to do in this city, but I thought it would be fun to show you what I’ve been up to in just the past week. Hopefully it will entice all my out of town readers to come visit Omaha…. [Read More]
Why I get a flu shot
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by CVS. They provided me with free flu shots and monetary compensation. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. Growing up, I never got a flu shot. I am young and healthy, and have never had the flu. I didn’t see the point in getting a vaccine for something… [Read More]