Hey everyone! Happy New Years! I am SO excited for 2013 and all the good things it will bring. I’m sorry I’ve been MIA for the past week, I’ve been soaking up family time with Josh and his parents in Connecticut. I have a lot of fun things to share with you guys and tons of holiday pictures but I will be getting to all that later this week. For now I want to recap 2012. One of my favorite things about blogging is that I get to create a diary full of pictures and commentary on my life. Going back through the months for this post I realized how much I did that I had forgotten about. I have truly had an amazing year. And I am so incredibly lucky. If you’re looking to catch up on some of my more memorable posts from this year here is a breakdown by month of some of my favorites.
- I rang in 2012 in New Haven, CT (just like this year) We had so much fun it warranted a second post.
- Josh and I spent a weekend with friends in Washington, DC. I officially want to move there.
- I went to Disney! I loved a week in sunny Orlando when it was snowing back home.
- Spring Break in New Haven. There was so much food and so many adventures I again had to do a second post.
- I went to the dermatologist for the first time in my life. I got a skin check done and had a mole removed. I open up about my anxiety involving health issues.
- My parents and Josh’s parents meet for the first time. I was so nervous.
- I owned an Easter egg hunt at my friend’s Easter party. We also smashed a lot of eggs.
- My step-mom bought a Vitamix for our house! It is my favorite kitchen product of all time, I use it every day.
- My blog got a HUGE makeover! Before this I was really unhappy with how my blog looked. It now has the professional, aesthetically pleasing look I always wanted.
- I started my summer internship. I had to go to Harrisburg, PA (where I was born) for training.
- Josh and I hosted our first couple’s party at his apartment. I want to host a lot more often in the future.
- I made my first Vlog. I was so nervous.
- Josh and I went to our first wedding together in Connecticut. One of his childhood friends got married and it was so much fun.
- I GOT ENGAGED! This was definitely the highlight of my year.
- We celebrated our engagement with friends.
- I created the Wedding page on my blog. I update it every time I make a wedding related post.
- State College 4th of Julys are so special. It’s crazy to think that next year Josh and I will be celebrating two days before our wedding!
- We celebrated Arts Fest with Josh’s parents. If you’re ever in State College when this art show is happening in the summer it’s definitely worth checking out.
- Josh and I got our engagement photos done. We are so happy with the results, I’ve truly never seen such beautiful photos.
- Williamsport is the home of the Little League World Series. It wouldn’t be a summer in Central PA without going to a game.
- My nephew Jax was born! I now have two amazing nephews.
- I started running! I’m so happy I did. This is an activity I want to keep doing for a long, long time.
- I celebrated my one year blogiversary and one year as a vegetarian! I feel so lucky to be able to blog.
- I turned 22! Just in time for the Taylor Swift 22 song to be released so I can sing along and feel oh-so-relevant when it comes on the radio.
- Josh and I traveled to Connecticut for Fall Frolic. It was my second year of participating in the tradition.
- I ran my first 5k race at the Runner’s World event in Emmaus, PA! It was such a huge accomplishment for me, one I truly never thought I would accomplish. It was my first blogging event, and I was so proud to be able to represent FitFluential. I got to work with amazing companies and made some of my first blogging friends! Additional Runner’s World posts are here, here, here, and here.
- Josh turned 28. I was so happy to continue the tradition of making him carrot cake from scratch.
- Josh and I celebrated our second anniversary! It was super special because it is our last dating anniversary before we have a wedding anniversary to celebrate as well. We celebrated so much there was a second post.
- Trader Joes opened in State College. Our grocery bill has definitely increased but our stomachs are very happy.
- I celebrated Thanksgiving by reflecting on what I’m most thankful for. I’m blessed to be fortunate for so much.
- I was diagnosed with exercise-induced asthma. Womp womp. But thankfully I’ve never had an attack and I now have an inhaler should I ever need it.
- I reflected on what it means to be happy and where that happiness comes from. We have so much control over the quality of our life.
- I celebrated Hanukkah for the first time. It was so special getting to share that with Josh. I’m excited we will be a Christmas and Hanukkah household.
- I share my mom’s story and celebrate her short life on this Earth. If there’s ever a story that makes me thankful for each and every day I have it’s this one.
And that is my year in review. I still owe you guys Christmas and New Years updates which I will get to later this week. Looking back 2012 was a good year. It was full of happiness, interspersed with a few bumps in the road, but overall it was an incredible year. If all my years can be as good as 2012 I will be a very lucky girl. And I have a feeling 2013 is going to be even better! 😀
Happy New Years everyone! Here’s to happy and healthy years for us all!
Question of the Day: What were some of your highs and lows from 2012? What are you looking forward to most in 2013?
Looks like you had an awesome year! Here’s cheers to the next one!
Thank you so much! You too!
What an amazing year! And next year will be too with the wedding. 🙂
Also so glad we got to hang out in person this year!
I’m so glad we got to hang out! Hopefully we get to hang out more this year too! I can’t believe this year is my wedding year, ahh I’m so excited!
Great pictures. I loved “reviewing” your year! Happy New Year!
Thanks so much! I had a lot of fun recapping it!
What a great year! Congrats on your engagement and your first 5K! Such great 2012 memories. 🙂
Thank you so much! 2012 was wonderful!
Looks like an amazing year! And I know next year will be even better with getting married, happy 2013! 🙂
It’s going to be great! Thank you!
thank you for letting us share your joy this year.
Thanks so much for reading! 🙂
What a full and exciting year you’ve had! Time flies–here’s to a fabulous 2013!
Thanks so much! I hope your 2013 is fabulous too!
What a great year!! I LOVE your proposal story so much 🙂 Happy happy new year Erin!!!
Thanks so much Andrea! I love your proposal story too!
You had such a great year!! Love all the photos 😀 I think you’ve inspired me to create a diary of my year too. It’ll be fun to look back on one day! Hope to see you again in 2013
I hope we get to see each other again too! I loved having a diary of the year, I hope you like yours as well!
You had a FANTASTIC year! Congrats on all of your accomplishments!
Thanks so much! It really flew by!
What a great year!!! 🙂
It really really was!