Image Source Friday Favorites: Anthropologie is having another 40% off sale sale! I’m wondering if this is going to start becoming a thing with them? Regardless, I want this, this, this, and these. I’m not sure I can pull this off but I really want to try. My holy grail product for brightening up the… [Read More]
Best Back to School Planners
I’ve been out of school for three years now. That statement makes me feel really old and really young at the same time. Academics were always my jam growing up. Not to giveaway myself as too much of a nerd, but I genuinely liked school, and all the classes, assignments, and projects that went along… [Read More]
Weekend Snapshots
Happy Monday guys! I really don’t know how this weekend is over yet, but I am not ready for it to be. If I could have an extra day for a few extra naps and more time to soak up the gorgeous weather we’ve been having, I would be a very happy girl. 😀 My weekend… [Read More]
Friday Favorites
Image Source Friday Favorites: While it’s easy to fall in love with all the exotic destinations of the world, it’s nice to be reminded of the beauty right here in the United States. Thank you so much for all your support with my Beautycounter announcement! I’m so excited to get to share the importance of safe skincare with others…. [Read More]
Friday Favorites
The living room of a house we toured that I adore. Friday Favorites I want to be friends with whoever did this to their cat. My skin has been so soft lately I can’t stop touching it. It’s all thanks to this nightly ritual. Kate Middleton’s famous engagement dress is back in stock. I also… [Read More]
Friday Favorites
Friday Favorites A look at some of the world’s first flower crowns. This. Women are so much more than their relationship status. My childhood dreams are coming true. Mark your calendars Omaha! Using this as motivation to say goodbye to the last 30 pounds I’m working to lose. This will be the third version of… [Read More]
Friday Favorites
Source Inspired by the fact that I’m on my way to a press trip in St. Louis right now! Friday Favorites I’m not drinking right now, but if I was, I would be all over this perfect summer drink. After hearing the head makeup artist for The Bachelor/Bachelorette talk makeup, I immediately bought this and this…. [Read More]
So is Instagram the new Snapchat now?
The backstory behind Instagram’s update Yesterday, Instagram (owned by Facebook) updated their app to include the ability to share 10-second videos and pictures that only last for 24 hours before disappearing. Called Instagram Stories, they’re an almost exact replica of Snapchat stories. You can add emojis, text, and limit who is able to see each story that you… [Read More]
Weekend Snapshots
Happy Monday guys! How was your weekend? I hope it was relaxing and fun and that you feel rejuvenated to start your week. Our weekend started off with an art class at the Joslyn on Friday night. Josh and I are Young Art Patrons, which I highly recommend for all young professionals living in Omaha…. [Read More]
Friday Favorites
Happy Friday! Here are some of my favorites from around the web this week: Friday Favorites My About Me page got a face lift! A cute maxi dress and cold shoulder shift dress from a brand I haven’t heard about since high school. This inspirational speech brought me to tears. All the yes. Can this burger magically appear in my kitchen? There’s still time to… [Read More]
How I Stay Connected on the Go
Sometimes it feels like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything checked off my to-do list. I know I’m not the only one in this situation. Everyone’s plate is full and we’re all trying to do our best to juggle it all. So how do I balance the go go go… [Read More]