I’m a big believer in creating the future you want for yourself. We are in control of our actions, our decisions, and what we decide to accept or not accept in our lives. Last month I decided I was done with accepting glasses and contacts as a part of my life. I want to fix my vision once and for all and have a future free from bad eyesight.
Those who know me know I am a huge hypochondriac. Medical procedures skeeve me out and the thought of a laser coming at my eye is absolutely terrifying. But as I learned when researching LASIK, it is an incredibly safe procedure. It actually poses less risk to your eyes than contacts.
I figured I could spend my life wishing I had done something about my vision, or I could summon my courage and actually do something about it. So I made an appointment with Kugler Vision to discuss LASIK and see if it was a good option for my eyes. Their consultations are hassle-free. I had such a great experience I wanted to share it with you.
Big caveat: I am not a doctor and all the medical advice discussed in this post is specific to me.
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What to expect at your LASIK consultation
My biggest recommendation when starting your LASIK journey is to do your research. Find the best possible surgeon in your area. In Omaha, that’s Dr. Kugler. He’s a founding member of the Refractive Surgery Alliance and the Director of Refractive Surgery at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He’s at the top of his game and brings cutting-edge technology and the latest research to his practice.
Once you’ve done your research, prepare your list of questions to discuss with the Doctor at your consult. What concerns or worries do you have? Make sure you bring those up at your appointment! Also, bring a list of all medications you are on and try not to wear contacts for a week prior to the appointment so they can really see your eyes in their normal state.
Walking into Kugler Vision felt a bit like walking into a spa. I was greeted by Kori, the receptionist, who offered a beverage and fresh baked cookie. A sweet treat can go a long way to helping calm anxious nerves. 😉
Jackie the technician greeted me with a smile and took me to a room full of machines to start measuring my eyes and testing my vision. There were eight different machines used to measure my eyes. The machines are making sure your vision is in a range that can be corrected, that your cornea is thick enough for the surgery, determining if you have an astigmatism (I do!), checking that your eyes are healthy and free from cataracts, seeing how your eyes handle nighttime and measuring your tear production, among other things.
The tests were easy, painless and super high tech. Some of the machines felt like little robots! We were done in about 15 minutes.
After that Jackie took me to an exam room where I met with Dr. Stuntz (Dr. Kugler’s partner). My eyes were dilated, further examined, and I was given a traditional eye exam.
Dr. Stuntz reviewed all my results with me. He told me that my eyes are in great shape, very healthy, and that my corneas are an optimal thickness. He showed me what my astigmatism looks like on my eyes and explained that LASIK works well on eyes with astigmatism. He also reviewed my tear production results with me and explained that my eyes are quite dry, but not near the level where they would be too dry to have LASIK done.
Hearing that my eyes were dry was not a shock to me as it’s something I’ve struggled with for years. Dr. Stuntz explained the importance of taking an Omega 3 oil (which I already do), using eye drops, and using a warm compress every day to help my eyes find a better moisture balance (Which I have started doing since our appointment). He said the better I can manage the dryness now the more comfortable my eyes will be while they heal from LASIK (When temporary dry eye is quite common).
He was incredibly patient with me and answered all of my questions. He said I was a great candidate for LASIK and that I could expect to have really good results. Woohoo!
With that good news, I met with Jolene to get my surgery all booked! She gave me a packet with instructions and said she’d call the week before the surgery to go over everything again with me. January 30th can’t come soon enough!
I am so excited for a future with clear eyesight. To wake up in the morning and not have to reach for my glasses to see the clock. To go swimming in the summer and actually be able to see in the water. I’m sure I will be a nervous wreck on the day of the surgery, but a 15 minute procedure is worth it to me. I trust Dr. Kugler and Dr. Stuntz and I trust the science behind it all. 2019 is going to look a whole lot different for me!
Questions of the Day: Have you had LASIK? Have you ever considered getting LASIK? What have you decided you’ve had enough of in 2019?
Kugler Vision is providing complimentary LASIK services in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
My husband and I was just discussing this the other day. Will have to show him your post. Something we are thinking about.
I’ve worn contacts or glasses since what must have been first or second grade. For a while I was in contacts almost exclusively, but Eastern Washington did a number on my eyes and I have to wear glasses all the time now unless I’m doing an outdoor sport or activity that would better be done with sunglasses or protective eyewear, and then I use my contacts. I would LOVE to have LASIK done.
Hey Colleen! Kugler Vision was actually telling me about this during the consult. Apparently a lot of people develop intolerances to contacts. I asked Kugler to provide some more medical info than I could provide if that would be helpful to you!
If you’re willing to share, then yes!
Hey Colleen! My name is Caleb. I’m the Customer Relationship Manager for Kugler Vision. I’d love to help assist with any questions you have. If you’d like, you can reach me at 402-401-4517.
I’m blind as a bat but have great unease about surgery, especially when it’s medically unnecessary. Thanks for putting me at ease a bit!
I just went through the same thing. It is not a bad experience. Unfortunately, I couldn’t have LASIK. I was really sad.
That is so sad! Did they offer other surgery alternatives? Kugler Vision could explain them way better than I could if that’s helpful!
Julie, this is Caleb with Kugler Vision. I’m the Customer Relationship Manager. If you’d like, we can chat about your current vision status and go over all the options that we provide. We offer seven types of vision correction. You can reach me directly at 402-401-4517. Thanks!
I had LASIK in 2017 and it was one of my best decisions ever! You will be so happy you took the plunge. Best of luck!
My husband has been talking about getting lasik surgery but we have not been to any consultation yet, this gives me a general understanding of what to expect. thanks for sharing this.
what is the recovery like? can you see or do you have patches over your eyes. i would want each eye done on a different day just because i would be worried if i couldnt see at all but i know that wouldnt be possible
I haven’t experienced it yet but it’s supposed to not be bad at all. You can see right when the surgery is over but expereince mild discomfort for a few hours later that day you have it done (they tell you to sleep through it). Then the next day you’re supposed to wake up with clear vision and head to work. You have to wear Goggles at night to bed for like a week so you don’t rub or scratch your eyes while you’re sleeping. But from everything I’ve heard the recovery is not bad at all. Fingers crossed!
That doesn’t sound bad at all thank you
Hey Joni! I reached out to Kugler Vision to see if they could explain in more medically accurate and professional terms what to expect with LASIK recovery. I hope that’s helpful to you!
thank you!
Hi Joni! Caleb here with Kugler Vision. I’m the Customer Relationship Manager. I’d love to assist you with any questions that you may have regarding post-LASIK recovery. You can reach me directly at 402-401-4517! Thanks.
Sounds like they made you feel very relaxed and stress free. Good luck with your surgery
i’ve often wondered the ins and outs of lasik. this was very helpful!
Wow, I’ve never had any surgery but it sounds from your post like LASIK survey really isn’t that bad of an experience.
Lasik was life changing for me. It was over 10 years ago that I had it done. 🙂
My husband has been interested in doing this for years…this was very helpful!
I know at least one person who has had this surgery, and it was a success for her. I have dry eyes as well,but at the same time, but eyes water terribly in the sunlight… so strange!!! Hope all goes well with your procedure!