Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I hope as you’re reading this your day is off to a wonderful start. Mine is going pretty well, I turn 22 today! 😀
It’s crazy to think how fast time flies. I remember my sixth birthday like it was yesterday and already it’s my twenty-second?! I feel so grateful, I know I could not ask to be happier, healthier, or in a better place than I am right now as I enter into a new year.
Twenty-one was a really good year for me.
- I got engaged to Josh
- I started my senior year of college
- I had an amazing summer internship
- I went to Disney World
As good as twenty-one was, I know twenty-two is going to be even better!
- I’m going to Vegas on a school trip
- I’m graduating from college
- I’m getting married to Josh
- We’re moving and will be living together
- I’ll be starting either a full-time job or grad school
I love this upward trend of life just getting better and better. In tradition of that I made some goals that I hope to accomplish in my twenty-second year of life.
- Enjoy and soak in every single second of my experiences, I’m only going to get them once
- Stress less, laugh more
- Get more sleep
- Graduate Summa Cum Laude
- Get my arms into rocking shape for my wedding dress
- Run in an outdoor race, regardless of the distance or size, simply for the experience
- Learn to cook more food
- Take time to read more
- Be less hard on myself, I truly am my biggest critic
- Be the best daughter, friend, fiance, and future wife I can possibly be
- Be open to new opportunities and be flexible with my life plans
In celebration of today, after I get off work Josh and I are going out to dinner at one of our favorite Italian restaurants. I’m so happy to be spending my birthday with Josh. Last year he helped me celebrate my twenty-first birthday and it was so special.
Question of the Day: What has been your favorite age so far?
Yay! I’m so excited to turn 43 some day. I hope 44 is even better for you! 🙂
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May this year be the best one yet! 🙂
Thank you so much girly!! I’m so excited for all that 22 will bring!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! The cake is beautiful. Hope you have a fabulous day!
Thank you so much! And the cake is gorgeous, I wish it was mine, I just found a picture on the internet of one that said 22 so this wouldn’t be a completely picture-less post. ;p
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! what a great cake!!! i love it! i hope you have a super day filled with lots of amazing things! spa love!
Aww thank you so much girly!! Spa love right back at ya!
I thought my 30s were wonderful but my 40s have turned out to be even better! Happy birthday 🙂
Aw thank you so much! I’m so excited for all the decades of my life!
Happy birthday – hope it is a great day!!
Thank you so much Leah! It’s starting out great so far!
Happy birthday!! I hope you have a wonderful day 🙂
I’m not sure what my favorite year has been so far…being 30 has been pretty decent, and it’s not as scary as everyone thinks 🙂
Aw thank you so much! All the sweet birthday wishes have made it amazing so far!
I’m excited for my 30s! I feel like the 30s are the meaty part of your life, raising a family, advancing in your career, I’m excited for it!
Happy Birthdayyyyy! It seems like the last year was awesome but your next one is going to be even better! Yay for weddings! (:
Thanks so much girly! I’m soo excited for this upcomming year! I can’t believe it’s the year ill be getting married!
Happy Birthday to you!!! Hope it’s fabulous and that this year is just as awesome for you as last year was!
Thank you so much! I think this year is going to be great!!
Happy 22nd Birthday! Hope this coming year is extremely happy!
Thank you so much! It’s definitely starting out extremely happy!
0-1… i slept a lot, did what I wanted, was on a liquid diet and never had to do my own laundry. Sounds epic, right?
haha sounds awesome! ;p
Happy Birthday! Even with 21 being a great year, I hope 22 is even better for you:)
Thanks so much Caroline! 🙂
Happy birthday!!! Hope 22 is excellent (with wedding bells it has to be, right? ;-))
22 is going to be AMAZING! 😀 Thank you!