Somehow my blogging anniversary came and went without much notice! Oops! ;p I wrote my first blog post on Girl Gone Veggie on September 11. My site did not look pretty, I had no clue what I was doing, and I didn’t really have any readers, but I sure had a blast.
Blogging has only gotten better since then. I started off as a new vegetarian, eager to try and make that lifestyle work for me. A year later I am a confident vegetarian, that knows I am fueling my body in the best way possible for me. I’ve been slowly but surely finding my writing voice, I’ve been able to work with so many incredible companies, and most importantly, I’ve gotten to know so many awesome readers.
One of the best things about blogging is the support and encouragement everyone shares with each other. Getting comments from you guys on my posts makes my day, getting to talk and chat on Twitter makes me so happy, and getting virtual cheers when I work out seriously makes me run faster. I have gotten to know so many amazing women through this blog and I am so thankful for that. Communities like FitFluential, Sweat Pink, and Girls Gone Sporty only help to enhance that bond. I’m so proud to be able to represent them, and so proud to be able to work towards a life of health and fitness. If I can share that love for healthy living with even one person I’ll be happy. 🙂
For this upcoming year I have a few blog goals I’d like to achieve:
1. Learn proper SEO and implement it on my blog
2. Increase my blog readership by 50%
3. Attend my first blog conference
4. Keep meeting and getting to know awesome folks like you!
In honor of my blog’s birthday I thought I’d share with you some of the posts I wrote throughout this past year that were some of my favorites. I hope you enjoy! 🙂
Getting Serious About Skin and Stress
Our Weekend at the Briar Rose (Bed and Breakfast)
My Date with a Mouse (Girl Gone Veggie Does Disney World)
Question of the Day: How long has your blog been around? What are you most proud of about it?
this blog has been around almost six years (!) and Id say NUMBER THREE is the best piece of blogging 🙂
Woohoo! You go girl! And yeah, I’ve read about so many amazing conferences, I really want to make that happen this year!
Happy blogiversary! I’ve been blogging for since 2005 but my blog as it is today is only a few months old. I found my niche 🙂
Great goals! 2 of my big goals for next year is to attend a fitness/blogging conference and learn more about SEO.
Yay for finding your niche! And I love your goals, I’m so excited to go to a blog conference one day soon!
Happy blogiversary!! Mine is coming up this month too. Great goals!
Oh yay! Happy early blogiversary! 😀 And thank you 🙂
Yay! Happy bLog-aversary! Spa love!
Aw spa love right back at ya! And thank you! 🙂
Congrats! Great accomplishments already. Blogging is amazing, and I am so glad you have reaped the benefits!
Aw thank you so much! I am LOVING blogging, I can’t wait to see where the next year takes me!
My blog has officially been around three years but I’ve only been blogging seriously for two. I most love that it pushes me in the kitchen to make unique dishes, and the amazing food bloggers I’ve met along the way.
There are some truly amazing food bloggers out there. Like you! 🙂 And yeah, becoming a vegetarian for me was the thing that really pushed me out of my comfort zone, it made me reevaluate everything I was eating and start creating meals in totally new and different ways.
Happy blog birthday!
Thanks so much girly!
Happy Blogaversary! I’ve been blogging for over three years, but since I really started focusing on it (getting serious isn’t quite the right phrase)in the last year, I have a lot of the same goals as you. I’d love to master that SEO stuff. Good luck in your second year!
Yes, I feel like there is so much to learn about SEO and I am currently really behind on it. Hopefully that’s something I can improve in the future! Thanks so much, I can’t wait to see where this next year takes me!
Happy Blogaversary!!!!! I’ve been blogging for about 7 years…my first blog was all about my sons. Then I started running about 2.5 years ago and started my current blog…it has turned into more than I could ever imagine! Love the blogging community and people like you!!! 🙂
Thank you so much! Oh wow girl, you were on the forefront of blogging! The blogging community is awesome, I feel so lucky to be a part of it!
awww yay for blogging anniversaries! Congrats! Love your goals for the next year! Keep up the awesome work! I love reading your blog! (:
Aw thank you so much girly! That means a lot! I can’ wait to see where this next year takes me! 🙂
Happy Blogiversary! Your site looks awesome for it just being a year, total pro! My 1 year is coming up in November and my site still looks basically the same. I definitely need to invest in a graphic designer who will be paid in baked goods. 🙂
Aw thank you so much! And I got really lucky with my web designer, she’s phenomenal! That’s so exciting your 1 year is coming up! That would be a perfect time for a web design. 🙂
Happy Birthday!!!!! Your blog looks amazing, I can’t believe you’ve only been doing it a year, congratulations. I enjoy your posts and look forward to many more 🙂
Thank you so much!! I can’t believe it’s already been a year, time is flying! I’m so excited to write many, many more! 🙂
happy blogiversary!
I officially started mine in 2008? It sort of just sat there with a couple posts a month and no real solid direction. It wasn’t until the last year or so that I really started to blog daily, share and try to interact with others. I love the community the most. It can be so inspiring.
Thank you! Yes, the community is incredible! I think it’s the reason why I still blog, I’ve met such inspiring people and being a part of that is such an amazing thing.
Happy anniversary! The blog conferences definitely teach you a lot and you get to meet people in real life! *my fave part 😉 SPA <3
Aw thanks for the SPA love girly! Yes, I can’t wait to go to a blog conference sometime soon!
I’ve been blogging since 2009. Since then, it was a style blog where I got to do press for a Fashion’s Night Out event in Philadelphia which was amazing. I’m so glad to hear that the event is still holding strong to this day.
I’ve recently found my niche with Project Zen, a blog on organization in the stress of everyday life. But I really do need a graphic designer or to learn some HTML of my own to make myself feel more at “home” – what’s SEO stand for?
Congrats on your blogging anniversary!
Thank you so much! And how awesome you got to work with Fashions Night Out. I’ve always wanted to go to that! SEO stands for search engine optimization and it means coding your site so that when people search for topics related to yours on google your site comes up as one of the first.