If you guys have been reading my blog for a while you know I’m a pretty consistent person. I like routines and patterns and familiarity. I’m the same way with food, once I find a food I love I pretty much love it forever. If you guys follow me on Twitter you know I eat the same breakfast pretty much every day: Chobani and oats.
I LOVE Chobani. I love the flavors, I love the taste, I love the natural ingredients, I love the protein, and I love the company. Josh always jokes with me when we go shopping and I head to the Greek yogurt section and pick up Chobani without even glancing at the competition how brand loyal I am. And it’s true. I know what I like and when I take the time to compare Chobani and the competition Chobani always wins.
So when I get a package like this in the mail it kind of makes my day. And when I find out I can give away another one to a blog reader I get even more excited. Chobani is seriously amazing. As a vegetarian the protein in their yogurt is a great way to make sure I’m getting enough protein to start my day right. I love it with oats, blended into a smoothie, mixed into a parfait, or on its own as a midday snack. It can also be used in cooking as a one-for-one substitute for sour cream in things like spinach artichoke dip and corn bakes.
If you haven’t tried Chobani yet please enter this giveaway. If you are already a huge Chobani fan then you should definitely also enter this giveaway. To enter to win a case of Chobani Greek yogurt (identical to the one pictured above) you have a few options:
Mandatory entry:
1. Leave a comment telling me your favorite way to enjoy Chobani.
Optional additional entries:
2. Follow me on Instagram (I always post lots of food pics!)
3. Follow me on Pinterest (Especially if you’re looking for wedding inspiration!)
4. Tweet the following, ” Love @chobani? Enter to win a case from @girlgoneveggie https://herheartlandsoul.com/chobani-giveaway #chobanitime #giveaway “
**Make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry so I can count all of them accurately.
This giveaway will be open until Wednesday, November 28 at 11:59 PM EST. The winner will be announced on Thursday’s post. Good luck!
I have never tried Chobani… but would absolutely love to!!!
Great giveaway! I like to enjoy a cup for lunch.
I follow you on Pinterest (@LSerks)
I love Chobani – especially the pineapple flavor – as breakfast! (Awesome giveaway by the way)
I’m following you on pinterest (becca474)
I put dried mint leaves in plain Chobani and eat it with rice-stuffed grape leaves. It is by far one of my favorite comfort meals!
Following you on instagram! (as mlchaplin2)
Following you on Pinterest (as mlchaplin)!
Also tweeted: ” Love @chobani? Enter to win a case from @girlgoneveggie https://herheartlandsoul.com/chobani-giveaway #chobanitime #giveaway “
I keep it classic and it out of the container. It’s a perfect snack for that afternoon munchie attack.
Follow you on instagram, love your photos.
Follow you on Pinterest — also love your photos.
and tweeted like a bird!
my fav way to enjoy chobani is with my homemade granola! never knew i could enjoy yogurt until i found some cho!
and i just retweeted you! will find you on pinterest!
I love Chobani! My favorite flavor is Passion Fruit!
I love Chobani as a mid afternoon snack when the sweet cravings hit 🙂
I now follow you on instagram @jennmcamis
I *heart* Chobani. I like blending mine with fruit and ice for extra thick smoothies. 🙂
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I tweeted! https://twitter.com/jennmcamis/status/270965886318424064
Tweeted! @Disney_Bride
Following you on pinterest “TheDisneyBride”
I tweeted!!!!
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I like the cChobani with granola in it…some crunch to my yum!
I’ve never tried Chobani. Do you know if they sell it in Canada? It sounds pretty good!
followed on instagram!
Followed you on Instagram too!
followed on pinterest!
I love Chobani plain or with granola 🙂
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Ultimate fave way- apple pie lara bar broken up into apple cinnamon cho. But I am happy with it plain.
twittered https://twitter.com/RunInBoise/status/270975945857454080
My favorite way to eat it is with oats! I add a bit of honey and cinnamon to the plain as well as some freeze dried organic berries and it is the best breakfast ever!!!
I followed on Instagram
Followed Pinterest too!
Tweet Tweeted as well – Lucky girl! I would love to get a case like that and one to give away!
I love greek yogurt! I use it in cooking all the time to replace fattening ingredients. I also love flavored varieties with granola. Holy yum!!
I followed you on pinterest (dddd89)
I tweeted!! @morerabbitfood
I always eat my Chobani with Bare Naked granola
Right out of the container 😉
I tweeted about your giveaway! https://twitter.com/TheBroadbents/status/270988709376163840
i have chobani every morning with a banana… granola… and almond butter yummy!
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i tweeted
I tweeted!
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I follow you on Pinterest too!
My favorite way to eat Chobani is with cinnamon and stevia, or I freeze the fruity flavors for an awesome frozen yogurt treat!
I love chobani with cereal and frozen fruit! Yum
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/xokammie/status/270994844321722368
followed you on instagram @xokammie
followed you on pinterest as kamila gornia
I just like it eaten plain or sometimes I freeze it for a late night snack!
I follow you on pinterest!
I LOVE CHOBANI! I use it instead of milk with some cereal or make hundreds of different kinds of parfaits. YUM!
I love Chobani….Apple Cinnamon is my favorite flavor and I eat one daily as a snack!
I tweeted your giveaway!
I live chobani I use it to cook in stead of cream, sour cream, or other fatty ingredients. Also I love it for the calcium since I don’t like milk or cheese.
followed you on pintrest
followed on instagram!
I like plain with some granola and berries on top!
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Tweet! https://mobile.twitter.com/PurpleLarkspur/status/271036742465896449?p=v
Like everyone else, I love plain chobani with fruit (ESPECIALLY blueberries!). A more unique way I enjoy my plain chobani is with some lemon juice, dill and diced onion on a salmon burger! Its really good- I swear! 🙂
Also posted Love @chobani? Enter to win a case from @girlgoneveggie https://herheartlandsoul.com/chobani-giveaway #chobanitime #giveaway “
on Twitter!! @Iwasborn2dothis
I like Chobani with a bit of granola and a drizzle of honey!
I follow you on Pinterest.
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/FireRunner2379/status/271057327367548929
I love chobani with slivered almonds and honey!
I already follow you on twitter 🙂
I tweeted 🙂
Following you on Instagram 🙂
My breakfast every day at work consists of Starbucks, my homemade granola, and Greek yogurt. I’m not loyal to Chobani the way you are, because I haven’t really tried it more than a couple of times. I’d love to win 🙂
I follow you on Instagram!
I love the chocolate chunk Chobani! I eat it for dessert when I get a sweet craving.
Chobani and a bowl of oatmeal = great start to the day!
I’ve never tried Chobani! They don’t have it where I’m from….anywhere! Great giveaway!
I love Chobani every which way. I usually eat one every day as a mid-morning snack at work.
I tweeted
I enjoy Chobani for breakfast after a morning run
following you on pinterest (Rosa Deng)
following you on instagram (RosaDeng)
I love eating Chobani right out of the carton!
I like my yogurt plain 🙂 I have tried it with other things like oats or in recipes but I always come back to just plain yogurt!
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I tweeted!
I love using the plain in salad dressings, dips and as a healthy substitute for mayo!
Tweeted too ~
Tweeted!!! Love this! @doctrinthehouse
I normally just get plain greek yogurt and jazz it up on my own, but I’m starting to really love all the flavors!!!
Follow you on pinterest girl!
I like to eat Chobani by its self usually, but a few months ago after seeing you eat them with oats all the time, I tried it with oats. I like it, but don’t eat it that way a ton, I still haven’t gotten the texture down right, but one day I will!
Tweet – https://twitter.com/cpavey/status/271231520587513856
I follow you on pinterest – cpavey
2% plain Chobani yogurt which I dip veggies in
Love to use it as “sour cream” on my baked potatoes!! yummy. When I serve it no one knows the difference….thanks Chobani
I love chobani plain.
I follow you on instagram (@runningwtg)
I follow you on pinterest (Jennifer Boudreau/runningwtg)
Tweeted! via @runningwtg
Favorite way is just plain because their flavors are so good!
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Love Chobani sans anything else, just plain.
I’ve never had it! But I do love yogurt so I’m sure it’s amazing
And I follow you on Instagram @melodyeliza
I eat chobani with some honey mnnnnnnnnnnn
Chobani and granola is my favorite way to start my day!
I love to just eat it on its own, savoring the wonderful flavor!
I am following you on pinterest now 🙂
I love plain Chobani with sliced banana and my homemade granola and it works great in smoothies.
Already a follower on Pinterest!
A follower on Instagram too!
Tweeted @jillconyers
I love chobani with either granola and dried fruit or a larabar broken up with dried fruit or cereal and dried fruit!
I tweeted about the giveaway too 🙂 https://twitter.com/Chasingchels/status/271320109908389888
I follow you on Pinterest! (Chasingchels)
Love to eat Chobani for a snack after I go running.
I tweeted here:
I follow you on Twitter. @CVermule
I also follow you on Pinterest.
I love blueberry Chobani topped with blueberries and granola also stirred in!
Not a huge yogurt fan so I love cooking with it.
I enjoy blueberry or peach with some fruit or a sliced banana and a dash of cinnamon mixed in! Thanks!
My favorite way to enjoy Cho is by sharing it with my son! He and I will fight over the last one in the fridge and when we eat it, we have competitions to see who can make the loudest “mmmm” sounds! We love it!
Our favorite flavor is Strawberry banana!
I follow you on Pineterest.
I follow you on instagram! I love your pics! Yum!
I tweeted https://twitter.com/mindyartze/status/271446317836943360
my favorite is raspberry with frozen berries of some sort!
following you on pinterest (@laurstarks)
also following you on instagram (@laurstarks)
I eat Chobani every morning for breakfast! It’s so convenient and yummy!
omg I would DIE if I won… I eat Chobani with my breakfast most days! 🙂
I’m following you on Insta (ellahungerford)
and following you on Pinterest! (ehungerford)
and I tweeted! https://twitter.com/ellahungerford/status/272127764759445504
My favorite way to eat it is straight out of the container for breakfast
I follow you on instagram
I follow you in Pinterest
My favorite way to eat Chobani is with granola and chia seeds. For breakfast or a snack.
I’m following you on Instagram!
Also following you on Pinterest!
And… tweet tweeted!
Just found your blog and love it! Can’t wait to read more:) And besides Cho+oats, I love it mixed into smoothies and freezing it into softserve:) Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
I love vanilla Chobani with half of a chopped apple, cinnamon, and granola!
I follow you on Pinterest!
I sent out your tweet to let others know about the giveaway!
I love to make yogurt bowls with fruit and granola!
I tweeted!
I’m a simple girl; I like my chobani with some peanut butter mixed in 🙂
dang I already entered!! 🙂 Haha
Tweeted 🙂
And followed on instagram!
And on pinterest!
My favorite way to enjoy Chobani is with slivered almonds and a couple dark chocolate chips on top!
Followed you on Pinterest
My favorite way to eat Chobani is with granola. It’s simple, yet filling!
I love Chobani in my smoothies!!! Yum!!
Following you on Instagram! @LilMysNinja
Following you on Pinterest. @LilMysNinja
Tweeted! https://twitter.com/lilmysninja/status/273309678346309632
Yum! My favorite way to enjoy Chobani is nonfat plain with fresh fruit (especially kiwi) and chia seeds.
I follow you in Instagram (@Fight4Wellness).
I just followed you on Pinterest.
I also tweeted about the giveaway: https://twitter.com/Fight4Wellness/status/273510821810802688
I love to top it with granola!
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I follow you on pinterest — WildOrchid985
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I love having Chobani with granola or cereal!
I absolutely love the raspberry chocolate chip flavor which is in the bites variety. Just as it is, and u absolutely love the strawberry and raspberry flavored in just the regular cup with ancient grains granola sprinkled on top. Yummmm…. I could seriously eat chobani all day every day!