Happy Halloween! I can’t believe it’s already the end of October. Where has the time gone? Josh’s parents are flying into Omaha today. And Josh is turning 30 on Monday! There is so much I have to look forward to. Here’s what I’m loving this week:
1. Josh and I have been enjoying cuddling up and watching shows at night. I still can’t get him to watch Scandal with me, but I’m not giving up so easily! 😉 We’ve been loving wearing these Miscoots socks I was sent to try out to keep our feet warm at night. I had never heard of Miscoots before I received an email about them from a PR company, but I’m so glad I did.
They’re an American-made sock company that donates a pair of socks to someone in need every time you buy a pair. The best part? They employ homeless people to help get them on their feet and off the streets. I’m officially a fan. Josh is rocking The Delaney while I am sporting The Linda style. Browsing the site I absolutely love the pattern on The Stine. These are the perfect stocking stuffers.
2. I went on a dinner date last night with Lisa to Dixie Quicks in Council Bluffs. I really need to explore Council Bluffs more. It was great to hang out and talk about blogging stuff with someone who loves it just as much as I do. She is doing incredible things with her blog that truly blows me away. I have a lot to learn. I tried to soak in some knowledge while enjoying this yummy veggie melt with a side of brussels sprouts.
3. 14 Instagram data findings every marketer needs to know <— Interesting findings! Cliff notes version of the article: include @mentions and #hashtags with your picture for optimum exposure. And follow me on Instagram if you aren’t already. 😀
4. Alton Brown was in Omaha yesterday for part of his nationwide tour. I didn’t realize he was coming until days before and am kicking myself for a missed opportunity. Josh and I love him. He was checking out the Omaha food scene while he was in town and Instagram-ed a picture of his burger from Block 16. It apparently made his list for top 5 burgers ever. While I don’t eat burgers, I love Block 16 and their food. I am super excited for them to receive such great exposure. Also, the debate in the comments section about the merits of eggs on burgers made me LOL.
5. With Josh’s parents in town all week, both of us still working our normal schedules, and big 30th birthday celebrations I’m not going to have as much time to devote to blogging as I normally do next week. I still want to have fun posts here, so I thought it would be fun to do an Ask Me Anything! series. I’ve seen these on other blogs and always find them to be a lot of fun and super interesting. You can ask me something about myself, or my blog, or whatever. I’d love to turn it into a blog post, or multiple, depending on the survey response for next week. I also have a fun behind the scenes look into my life scheduled for Monday. (I feel like I’m overhyping it, I’m not that interesting! 😉 )
Questions of the Day: How are you celebrating Halloween? What are you going to be? What is your favorite thing to go out to eat for? Any fun plans for the weekend?
Those socks are adorable! My feet are freezing 99% of the time from now until May. The warmer the better!
Yes! These are warm and cute which is a great combo! 😀
Those socks would be great STOCKING stuffers…. very pun-ny Erin 😉
Have fun with Josh’s parents! We can’t wait to celebrate his birthday with him!
Ohh I didn’t even think about that! haha But I like the pun. 😀
I’m so excited to celebrate his birthday with you guys! We’re doing Beercade and food at Lot 2 on November 15th. I need to get something sent out to everyone.
Those socks are the cutest! Plus, I am always a sucker for a company that uses their product to help others.
Yes! I love that they seek to do good in the world. And that they make cute comfy socks for me to wear! 😀
william is a pumpkin! at school, i’m sacagawea and my teaching partners are lewis and clark lol
William was the cutest pumpkin! Omg I love those pictures!
I’ve never heard of those socks either but they look very warm. It just got really chilly around here
It got chilly here too! I’m a baby and want the warm weather back!
I need those polka dot socks! Too cute! And I love that they donate to people in need as well! Thanks for sharing and thanks for joining the Celebrate Southern link up this week too! I hope you have a great Halloween and that we see you back again for another week of the link up on Tuesday!
J @ Bless Her Heart Y’all
I love cute socks! And yes, the philanthropic part of their business is wonderful. I wish more companies did that!
I still haven’t been to Dixie Quicks and I’m dying to check it out…I’ve heard such great things! That sandwich looks delish…plus I’m starving right now so that doesn’t help =)
Have a great weekend with Josh’s parents in town!
Oh man you would love Dixie Quicks! They make a sexual chocolate french toast that is sooo good!
I adore those socks. I wear socks to bed, weird but i do and these socks is perfect because it is long and buying it is for a great cause. That food is yummy ! Have a great weekend. My husband watched Sex in the city with me when it was still on air and now I got him to watch The Walking Dead.
I wear socks to bed too! They help keep me warm!
I think that sock company was on Shark Tank but didn’t do too well!
I treated myself to a pair of Ugg slippers that I’ve been living in while at home!
I tried looking up Miscoots on Shark Tank and couldn’t find them. Was it maybe another one? I’m in love with Shark Tank. They were mean this last episode!
Ohh I love Ugg slippers. They’re so comfy!
Love the socks! Sounds like a fun weekend ahead!
Thanks Marianne! It was a fabulous weekend! And this week is shaping up to be a great one!
Block 16 is amaaaazing! We need to go sometime!
Yes! I want to go so badly!
I want to be eating that burger in a pair of cozy socks like right now. mmmmmmm so comfy.
I will be drinking pumpkin beer in my apartment. So basically, business as usual.
Laid back nights with beer sound perfect!
Love those socks!! Scott actually loves Scandal, so we whipped through the first three seasons on Netflix in no time. He’s not the biggest fan of this season, though. And to be honest… I’m not as smitten as I used to be. It’s still a great show though! Enjoy the time with the in-laws! Scott’s mom is visiting here tomorrow too! 🙂
I hope you had fun with Scott’s mom! We’re having a great time with Josh’s parents. I’ve missed them.
Jon and I saw AB here and LOVED it!! Definitely catch his show if he’s back in town. Block 16 didn’t exist when I lived in Omaha – I tried to eat there last time I was in town and they were closed. I will be back for Thanksgiving, and I’m going to try again! 🙂
Oh how fun you’re going to be back for Thanksgiving! Let me know if you’re free to grab coffee sometime!
Cute socks! Love that picture!
Kendra Scott Giveaway on the blog.
Thanks Lindsay! I love socks with fun patterns.
I have those same Miscoot socks and I LOVE them! I plan on purchasing a bunch as Christmas presents for family and friends 🙂
That is such a great idea!
I am such a big giant baby when it comes to weather. I complain when it gets below 65 and above 80. That’s why I live in San Diego. That said, I need those socks 60% of the year! Haha and Happy Early birthday to Josh!
I am in love with these socks. They’re comfy and cute!
MMMM! Brussels Sprouts!!! Love those so much! 😀
I’m obsessed with brussels sprouts!
I love the socks. They are adorable and look comfy. And I love the company — they sound incredible! Great info on instagram, too! Happy Halloween — and tell Josh, welcome to the thirty club. It’s a great place to be. All the cool kids are thirty 😉
He’s pretty excited to be 30! I think it’s going to be a great decade for him and for us!
Oh, but Scandal is SO GOOD! I have been hooked from the day I started season 1 on Netflix. Can’t get enough. The Miscoots socks are neat! Sounds like a great company if they donate a pair every time you buy a pair. Always a fan of companies with non-profit or charity relationships and goals
Yes! I love when companies make doing good a part of their mission!
Those socks are too cute! I love fun socks! Have a great time with family!
Thanks so much Jacqueline! We’re having a fabulous time so far!
Those socks are adorable! xo Andrea
Boho Bunnie
I love them!
Um Dixie Quicks looks amazing. Veggie melts + brussels are some of my faves.
Dixie Quicks is fabulous! For breakfast they have sexual chocolate french toast. It’s incredible!