Two years ago today I was driving to State College with butterflies in my stomach. I was going on a first date with this guy named Josh who I had never met before. We had been emailing daily for three months, our emails getting so long they could fill a book.
No, really. They filled a book.
I felt like even though I had never met him I knew him so well. We had so much in common and connected so quickly. We never ran out of things to talk about and he constantly made me laugh.
I remember getting out of the car and seeing him and thinking he looked even cuter than his pictures. I also remember being really relieved he wasn’t secretly some 45 year old creeper.
For our first date he showed me around State College. We went to Saints, one of his favorite coffee shops, where he got me a pumpkin spice latte because he knew how much I liked them.
Coffees in hand we walked around campus before ending up at a Thai restaurant for dinner. It’s unfortunately out of business now but I remember us splitting veggie spring rolls and I enjoyed chicken pad thai for my main dish (I wasn’t a vegetarian yet!). Afterwards we continued walking around campus, we covered so much of it, walking through buildings and exploring classrooms. At one point we ended up on a rooftop garden, it was so beautiful.
As we walked we talked about so many things, although I stopped mid-sentence and my heart rate shot through the roof when he took my hand for the first time. We passed a cupcake shop called Indulge where we ducked in to grab cupcakes. There was nowhere to eat them there and it was getting pretty cold out so we got them boxed up to bring back to his place.
I remember being impressed by how nicely decorated his apartment was and how the walls were free of frat boy posters and sports jerseys. He cut up the cupcakes for us (we have similar taste in food and have ordered different flavors that we both want from the beginning), made coffee for himself, poured a glass of milk for me, and then we sat on the couch talking and eating. We held hands, and talked about our day and life and it was so casual and so relaxed. I remember sitting there looking at him and having this feeling that years from now we’d still be sitting just like that, holding hands, and talking about our days. As the night ended with him walking me to my car and giving me a kiss I knew it was the start of something special.
I’m the biggest romantic. Ever since I was a little girl I’ve dreamed of finding my one true love. Two years filled with amazing memories and more love than I knew it was possible to experience later I feel so happy and so lucky. The guy I was so nervous to meet two years ago is now my best friend and fiance. I’ve found the guy who makes me a better person, who I’m meant to spend the rest of my life with and we get to plan our happily ever after together. I couldn’t ask for anything more.
To Josh- Thank you, for encouraging me, for always being there for me, and for loving me unconditionally. I am so excited to marry you this summer.
To everyone else- thanks for letting me be extra mushy today. Go kiss and hug your loved ones, they’re what make life worth living.
Question of the Day: What was your first date like with your significant other?
How sweet! Congrats on two years! Tommy and I celebrate our 2nd anniversary next Monday! We had known each other for years and had been spending tons of time together before our first official date, but we went to dinner in the city. Tommy had been suffering from a stomach virus for two days prior to our date but refused to reschedule. After dinner we went to the top of the rock in Rockefeller center where he asked if I would be his girlfriend, and the rest is history. When you meet the one, you just know! Congrats again! 🙂 🙂
Aww a happy early congrats to you and Tommy!! What a romantic first date!
That is such a cute story!! Congratulations and thank you for sharing! 🙂
Aww thanks so much! I can’t believe it’s already been two years!
aahhhh I can barely recall (20 years ago).
I think it was a study date as we met while getting our masters degrees….
Aww that’s so cute! You two are a bunch of smarties! 😀
Congrats! I think our first date was to the movie “She’s All That.” Although in my mind we were still just friends but in his we were destined to be together. Needless to say, he’s a persistent guy and convinced me we were meant to be together. Here we are still together 12 or so years later and married 10 of those years!
Aww congrats!! A man who knows what he wants is a very good thing! ;p
Awww…loved this story! Congrats to you. My date w/ my husband was to a movie and dinner–also in college and I was just impressed that he took me on a “real” date–unusual back then!
Haha so true! Real dates in college are a rarity, that’s when you know you’ve found a good one!
What a sweet story! My 14th anniversary is 11/14. I think I’ll share my story on the blog. Haha! All the best to you!
Thank you so much! I’m so excited to read your story, I love love!
Congratulations! Very sweet, happy anniversary. Love that the emails fill a notebook 🙂
I couldn’t even tell you the first date because we were friends for so long first, that it was more of a transition stage than a ‘first date.’ Yours sounds lovely!
Aw thank you so much! I know by the time we met we had such long emails and had talked about so much I felt like I already knew him so well!
Congratulations and happy anniversary!! Such a sweet story.
Aw thank you so much Leah! I am a very lucky girl! 😀
what a sweet story. thanks so much for sharing.
Aw thank you! And thanks so much for reading! 😀
such a cute story! happy anniversary!
Thanks so much Lindsay! It has been a great day!
Love this post! I am a big fan of all things mushy! congrats! 🙂
Aw thanks Betsy! I felt a little nervous posting something so intimate but I’m so glad I did!
Congrats!! So sweet!! This is my husbands and Is 7th anniversary!! It’s a good day!
Aww thank you! And congrats to you and your husband! It is an awesome day!
So adorable!!! Happy anniversary.
Thanks so much Ashley!
Happy Anniversary!!!
We went to the movies. I fell asleep and snored…it was a memorable evening LOL
Haha when you can be that comfortable with someone that’s an awesome thing! Thank you so much!
Awww so sweet! Congrats!
I will have to share our story sometime on the blog. Our 16th wedding anniversary is coming up on New Year’s Eve. We met in Virginia (where I lived), he traveled there for work (he lived in IL), we dated 3 months then got married which we planned in under 24 hours (my dad, a preacher married us) and the rest is history. We did have a big wedding later but we consider NYE our anniv.
Thank you so much! And oh wow what a romantic story! Congrats!!
Awwww….what a sweet story! How cool that you met after getting to know each other in writing, sounds like a movie plot. 🙂 Happy anniversary!
Aw thank you so much! I feel so lucky, it kind of does feel like a movie!
I love Josh too. He’s dreamy and super-smart!
haha I know Josh will be super flattered to hear this Sam. ;p
Love this story, Erin! I got goosebumps. 🙂 It’s so fun to reflect and remember the beginnings of a special relationship. Congrats to you two!
Thank you so much!! I love our story, I’m glad I wrote it down because it’s something I never want to forget!
awwww this is so cute! happy anniversary! I love your love story! (:
Aww thanks Danielle! I’m pretty fond of it too! 😀
I love this! Happy Anniversary to you both…and this story is kinda near and dear to my heart, too. My husband and I met the same way – online – after 3 months of emailing and phone calls. I was moving to Virginia from Connecticut after college graduation, and we met 2 days after I got to VA. We’ve been together ever since – almost 9 years. 🙂
Oh wow what similarities! I loved getting to know him so well before our first date, when we first met I already felt like friends! Congrats to you and your husband!
awl;rajd;lf!!! awwwwhhh. Seriously, this was beautiful to read! You two are clearly a perfect match for one another. Its amazing how the universe brings us to the people we are meant to be with.
Happy anniversary. And to many many many many MANY more! xo
Aww thank you so much Charlotte! He really is my perfect match, and I feel so lucky to have met him! 😀
oh, my goodness! what a special day and what a special post! i absolutely love it! tears were coming for sure as i read your story!! how sweet!!! <3 spa love to you! thanks for sharing this!
Aw thanks Jenna! I’m such a sap, I definitely cried while I wrote this. Today was a wonderful day! 🙂
awwww- cute story! Happy Anniversary:)
Thanks Caroline! Today was a wonderful day!
That is so cute! Happy anniversary!
Aw thanks Ali!
So cute, I love your non-traditional first date. Hubs and I never had a REAL first date, I still give him crap about it haha. Happy Anniversary!
Thanks so much! How did you guys end up deciding on what counted as your anniversary date? Although now that you’re married I guess that date doesn’t matter anymore.
Well now that I’m basically crying… Such a beautiful post hunnie. It fills my heart with happiness to read and see how in love the two of you are xoxo
Aww thanks so much Jessie! I love reading your blog so this really means a lot. <3