Wow time has been flying by! Between working and wedding planning there hasn’t been time for much else. I have lots of exciting news and progress on the wedding front I’m so excited to share with you guys soon. We just have to get some things in writing first and then I can start talking about it. I’m super excited! In the meantime I added a Wedding page to my toolbar. If you click on it it will list all of the wedding posts I’ve ever made on the blog. I LOVE reading people’s engagement/wedding planning stories and thought it was a fun way to be able to share mine.
Besides making tons of progress with the wedding Josh and I spent the weekend out and about with his parents. They were in town visiting for Arts Fest, a yearly festival held right in downtown State College, that is filled with talented vendors from all over the country.
Art vendors of every style and type came out to show off their creations. I love how unique and different so many of the artists are. Debbie and I had so much fun browsing around although we were a bit distracted deciding between cupcakes or slices and white or ivory. I never knew there were so many decisions to be made regarding a wedding!
I love how Arts Fest is wholeheartedly supported by the community. Everyone comes out and has a great time, all the shops are open, and there’s tons of good food. There was some great music playing as we walked along downtown.
The coolest little water playground for kids to run around under when it got really hot during the day.
And a really fun walk-through mister for adults and kids alike.
Josh and I loved visiting and talking with all the vendors about their creations. We fell in love with this vendor that makes amazing swings. They’re available in either singles or doubles with the option for a cup holder and are so comfy. I’d love to have these out on a front porch some day!
This festival was extremely pet friendly. There were so many puppies!
There were lots of chalk vendors out with their designs displayed on the sidwalk.
It looks like I wasn’t the only person to become engaged recently! 😀
We had so much fun exploring the booths and posing for some funny pictures.
I wish I had the talent to be able to even make a simple sand castle, let alone something this intricate.
As we walked around and soaked up the sun we got a bag of the best kettle corn ever to split. I would be lying if I told you we shared this. Josh had some but I completely devoured the bag. I could eat bags of this stuff daily without any problems if I had it my way.
It was the best weekend that like the rest of them seemed to pass by way too fast.
Question of the Day: What’s your favorite summer festival? I look forward to Arts Fest every summer, it’s always so much fun!
Oh my goodness, I love the chalk vendor’s art work. How sweet that there was another proposal. Sounds like you’re having a fantastic time wedding planning. Love hearing all about it! Wishing you the best!
Thank you so much girly! I’m having the best time, I can’t wait til everything is confirmed and then I can start blogging about it!! 😀
I used to go to festivals all the time when I lived in OH, but I haven’t been to any in NH. Guess I should try to change that!
Definitely, they’re so much fun!
Those sidewalk chalk drawings are amazing. Sounds like such a fun day.
It was such a fun day! And the sidewalk artists are so talented! I can’t believe what they can do with some pavement and pieces of chalk!