Josh and I have been doing a lot of firsts lately. We’re living together in our first apartment, during our first year of marriage. We’re having so much fun decorating. We both had our first day of work at our new jobs here in Omaha. We’re so lucky to both love our jobs. We’re also stocking a fridge together for the first time. When Josh and I were dating my stepmom would do grocery shopping for the house and Josh would have some things in his fridge at his apartment. My stepmom loves healthy, fresh foods as much as I do so my food during the week was always cooked at home. Josh needed a lot more eat and go meals since he was constantly running around for different grad school projects. His refrigerator had a lot less food options so we’d end up going out to eat most of the time on the weekend. Now that we’re living together we’re finding a balance of foods that take time to prepare that we sit down and eat together, and foods that are quick and easy and perfect for on the go meals. We’re loving trying new products and finding what works for us as we begin to stock our fridge. I was recently sent a product that Josh and I both give two big thumbs up.
My stepmom has been buying Green Giant veggies for years, so when I saw they were coming out with some chips made with veggies I was pretty excited. Let’s be real here for a second folks: a chip is a chip. It’s a treat and there are no additives to a chip that will make it as good for you as eating a stalk of broccoli, but sometimes a girl just needs a chip. And having them have a little veggies added in certainly doesn’t hurt. ;p
I was sent their two latest flavors: Sweet Potato BBQ and Garden Ranch. The bags were a little extra wrinkly because of them making a pit stop to my old address in PA before being forwarded to Omaha by my loving dad. The chips got here perfectly fine though, so no harm done. Between getting married and changing my last name and moving halfway across the country, I feel like I’m having to fill out a form to change everything about my life.
Josh and I both really enjoyed these chips. They are crunchy, flavorful, and aren’t super oily. I hate when my hands feel wet after eating chips. Green Giant got their formula down right, these are some seriously tasty chips. Josh is a huge fan of the Sweet Potato BBQ.
I love the garden ranch. These are perfect for packing in a little bag and taking to work for when a midday craving hits. Sorry for the green teeth in this picture, I just drank a green smoothie before a chip craving hit.
Question of the Day: If you could put any veggie in a chip what would it be? I’d love to try brussels sprouts chips!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
You can make brussels sprouts chips!!! Just shave the sprout and roast them in the oven with olive oil and salt, SO GOOD 🙂
Hmmm what chip would I want.. Well I adore butternut squash, but I can make those too! I wish that they were packaged in the store though because I hate peeling butternut squash and chopping it up, it’s obnoxious! lol
Ohh I need to try making brussels sprouts chips in my dehydrator! Thanks for the info!
I just finished off a bag of those zesty cheddar chips.
Eggplant chips with some kind of pizza seasoning sound good to me!
Ohh pizza eggplant! I like it!
Wow brussel sprout chips would be awsome. Whenever I roast brussel sprouts they kind of come out like chips, tasting and crunch wise. So good.
I need to try dehydrating brussels sprouts now! haha
I have those chips before, I think I had the Cheddar veggie ones first and they were pretty good. A few weeks later I saw the Sweet Potato ones and I love sweet potatoes so I was eager to try. They weren’t as good as I was hoping. I didn’t like the BBQ flavor on them. Why put BBQ on sweet potatoes?? I saw they have Sea Salt ones too. I may try those.
As far as a veggie chip…hmm. how about Cucumber chips?
I was shocked, I normally hate BBQ chips and I really like these ones!