1. Famous paintings photobombed by a fat cat <— Perfection
2. No being black/black beings allowed <— An absolute must-read
3. Why procrastinators procrastinate <— I have never read a more accurate article about myself
4. Strawberries and cream miniature chiffon cakes <— All the yes
5. 25 daily habits that will make you smarter <— I’m working on reading more books and less mindless Internet fluff
6. The secret to everlasting love may not be what you think <— This this this
7. 21 of the best made up jobs from “The Bachelor” <— So many questions about these jobs haha
8. Top 10 must-have travel apps <— I have serious wanderlust lately
9. Ricotta ice cream with balsamic strawberries <— I’m loving strawberry season
10. Love yourself: 5 healthy body image tips from Blogilates’ Cassey Ho <— Such great advice
11. Ladies who laptop: chatting with Emily Ley of the Simplified Planner <— #GirlBoss
12. How successful people work less and get more done <— Work smarter, not harder is one of my personal mantras
Question of the Day: What are you reading around the web and loving this Saturday?
I love these pictures!
Melanie @ meandmr.com
Thanks Melanie! I read some awesome articles this week!
I love all of these posts…that ice cream with balsamic strawberries sounds so dreamy!
Taylor xo – T’s Spoonful of Sugar
Oh man it looks so delicious!! I wish food blogs had a buy button where you could have the food delivered straight to you! haha
I have been looking for that Bachelor Job article for the past month… I found it once and couldn’t find it again! Also caught that ricotta ice cream… need in my life asap, please!
The ricotta ice cream looks amazing!! I just need to set aside some time to make it!