I hope everyone had a nice weekend! Mine was wonderful. The weekend kicked off with my parents and I driving to the Poconos to go to my sister’s baby shower. My sister and her husband are expecting their second baby, and they recently found out its going to be another boy! I thought it would be fun to share the pictures with you, it was such a beautiful day.
Me testing out my camera and keeping my parents company.
I left my point and shoot camera charger at Josh’s last weekend and I wanted to make sure my camera wouldn’t die when I needed pictures so I brought along my Rebel XSI as well. I love this thing but don’t use it very much because I’m afraid of breaking it.Β I haven’t used a camera I have to manually focus in a while so a few of the first pictures I took are a little blurry. Please excuse my rustiness. ;p The portrait pictures were still done on my Point and Shoot because I figured other people wouldn’t want to have to deal with the focusing and setting this camera involves. I really need to take a camera class to better understand this thing!
After two hours on the road we got to the site of her baby shower and it was beautiful. This park is up on the top of a mountainΒ and was so secluded and beautiful. It was the perfect place to celebrate a beautiful day. The pond had koi in it!
There were lots of little hiking trails and places to explore. I had a fun time walking around and taking pictures of all the beauty.
A little house in the middle of the woods.
Such a beautiful cottage. It reminded me of a Hobbit house.
Random stones on the lawn.
A little weathered castle that had a bell you could ring.
A little stone walkway leading to more hiking trails. It was so nice being back in the area where I grew up and getting to spend time with family on such a beautiful day.
My sister, second from right, and some of her friends.
My nephew James, aka “Jamie”, and one of my sister’s friend’s daughters playing with the pebbles. I came up to them and said, “Say Cheese!”, and this is the faces I got. I don’t look that scary do I? ;p
Of course I scouted out the food first and took pictures of it before I did anything else. Please excuse the blurry photos. Here there was roasted chicken, sausage and peppers, and a veggie tray that I dug in to.
My sister was so sweet and had a veggie lasagna made for me! I really appreciated it, and it was super yummy. It had eggplant, spinach, and feta. So good!
Another veggie tray and potato salad. It was really good.
My plate of delicious food.
For dessert there was a cake and New York rainbow cookies!! I’m not a fan of chocolate and peanut butter cake and since I didn’t eat it forgot to take a picture of it. I heard it was delicious. These bad boys however were PHENOMENAL. I ate three and enjoyed every bite!
These also appeared at the end of the party. π My sister and I are obsessed with Krispy Kreme, where we lived in Florida had one right down the street. Now most of the shops are closed and its hard to find a Krispy Kreme doughnut. One of her husband, Jimmy’s, relatives has a Krispy Kreme near them. My sister asked her to bring boxes of them so that she can freeze them and have Krispy Kremem whenever she likes. My sister is such a smart cookie. And it was so sweet of her to share a half of one with me. It was pure deliciousness, just like I remembered. Hands down, the best doughnuts.
After eating it was time to open some presents!
Jamie helping my sister open presents. She got some really cute stuff! Her baby boy is going to be named Jax and has a jungle theme nursery. Everyone really kept in that spirit and got him lots of monkey, lion, elephant, and giraffe items. I love baby stuff!
My soeur and I. <3 Living quite a distance from her makes it hard for me to get to see her often and I miss her a lot. It was so great to get to catch up with her and to get to celebrate little Jax!
My dad and Diane. Aren’t they such a cute couple? π
Our family. <3 It was such a beautiful, perfect day. I wish we could have get-togethers like this more often!
After a few hours it was time to get back in the car and hit the road. About an hour into the drive we watched an accident between a truck and a car happen literally right in front of us on the road. We’re not quite sure what happened but somehow it ended up closing down the whole highway on both sides. People were running out of their cars and parking on the side of the road. Thankfully we were right next to an exit so my dad managed to get off the highway and we ended up avoiding sitting on the highway. The back roads added an extra hour to the trip and by the time we got home I was starving. My parents were sweet to swing by Wegmans so I could pick up some veggie pot stickers for a late dinner. Thank goodness for Wegmans! They were delicious!
And that was our trip! It was a lot of fun. π
Question of the Day: What was the last baby shower you went to? What did you love about it?
* The Fashion Page was updated!
since I havent been to a babyshower in eons (and now wanna LIVE in that Hobbit House!!) I shall just share a little known me-fact.
Ive never had a krispy kreme!
Omg girl! You need to try one! We’ll maybe its good you haven’t, they’re horribly bad for you and kind of like crack they’re so addicting! ;p
what a beautiful place for a baby shower! congrats to your sister!
I thought the park was stunning! And thanks so much, we’re all so excited for her!
I love those cookies, although I have always called them italian rainbow cookies. so so good!
Aren’t they amazing? I love them! But oops, they are Italian rainbow cookies, I accidentally called them New York rainbow cookies because Jimmy’s family brought them from Long Island. That’s what happens when I blog sleepy! ;p
That looks like my camera…your pictures look great! I’ve found that there are some many great photography posts from blogger friends that have helped me with photography!
Camera twins! π Aw thank you so much, I’m trying to get better at taking photos with that camera. I have a lot to learn! Getting photo ideas from other bloggers is such a smart idea!
This looks like it was a beautiful shower! The last one I went to was actually my own. Haha. About 3 years ago now. Maddie’ll be 3 on the 17th next month.
Thank you, it was such a stunning shower! And aww I love the name Maddie. Congrats on her upcoming birthday! She’s getting to be a little lady! π
I tell ya, I really love the Poconos, I think it’s the best place to go on vacation in the North East. π Thanks!
I love the Poconos. It will forever hold a place in my heart as it’s where I grew up.
Where was the location of this baby shower, it’s absolutely gorgeous!!:)
Oh I wish I could remember, I’m sorry! It was a private residence in the Poconos.