Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend and that you got to dress up and now have more candy than you know what to do with! Josh and I had such an awesome weekend. We started out Saturday by carving some pumpkins we picked up from Wegmans the night before. Friday night Wegmans had a store-wide Halloween party where all the little kids came dressed up and played games while the employees handed out candy. It was too adorable.
Despite waiting until the last minute there was an awesome pumpkin selection. We got one medium sized one and one huge one. Since this was the first pumpkin either of us has really carved before we decided to start off with the small pumpkin. Josh got down to business and carved this:
The cutest lion pumpkin ever if I do say so myself!
While Josh was carving I was washing the pumpkin seeds to make this! A little olive oil, some salt and some pepper plus 25 minutes in the oven at 325 degrees produces some seriously yummy pumpkin seeds.
Saturday night was the Halloween party at the Briar Rose Bed and Breakfast we stayed at in September. They were so sweet to invite us and we have been looking forward to it for weeks. When we woke up to snow on Saturday I was so nervous we wouldn’t be able to go. Thankfully the roads weren’t bad enough to hinder travel so we got our costumes out and hit the road!
Josh and I were Mickey and Minnie! Originally we wanted to be a bunny and a lion but we couldn’t find lion ears for Josh so we went with a backup plan. While I was super excited for our first idea I’m almost glad it didn’t work out because this was my favorite costume ever! It came together so well and I just loved getting to be Mickey and Minnie for the night!
Josh’s good friends Lily and Pierce came to the party too! They were the Wall Street protesters. I thought it was such a creative idea! Unfortunately the crutches weren’t just a prop, Lily sprained her ankle the night before, but she was so great to still want to come out and celebrate Halloween!
The four of us. They are so nice and it was so great getting to spend time with them!
There was another Minnie there! We had to get a picture.
And a ghostbuster! There were some awesome costumes at the party.
The food was incredible. Lisa is an amazing cook and she really outdid herself at this party! This was the soda sherbet punch.
The dessert table.
Some of the main dishes. I love how festive everything was!
Almost everything was vegetarian! I really appreciated this because I wanted to try absolutely everything it looked so good!
A vegetable skeleton! So fun. (And yummy!)
There was so much food!
My dessert plate. I intended to share this with Josh but it was all so good I may or may not have eaten almost everything myself. ;p
We brought our lion for the pumpkin contest. There were some really cool entries.
We won third place! It was an incredible gift basket filled with so many goodies!
We then played a toilet paper game where we paired up and had to TP our partner as fast as possible. I got super dizzy trying to get it all around Josh and failed miserably, but it was so fun! I had the best time at the party and am so thankful to Lisa and Jimmy and their family for inviting us! Its so great how you can meet people once and get talking and then hang out more and more!
Sunday we woke up and decided to have a nice leisurely breakfast. Josh was so sweet and made pumpkin pancakes with the mix we won in our gift basket. We also drank orange juice out of our pumpkin goblets from the gift basket. And of course we had to have pumpkin spice coffee in our Mickey and Minnie mugs. It was a very pumpkin-y breakfast. And it was delicious!
For a late lunch/ early dinner we decided to go to Faccia Luna, an amazing brick oven pizza place right down the street from Josh. They make such good pizza!
We ordered the ricotta pizza with spinach, tomatoes, and basil. How amazing does this look?
We loved our costumes so much we decided to wear them out for pizza! ;p Doesn’t everyone get pizza in mouse ears?
It was so much fun and the pizza was incredibly yummy! We had enough leftovers to have for a late dinner that night, along with some homemade brownies.
It was the absolute best Halloween!
Question of the Day: What were you for Halloween? I would love to see pictures!
That’s not a ghost buster
Oops! What is it?
Technically, it was the Stay-Puff marshmallow man but, he was a prominent figure in one of the Ghostbuster movies. I’m sure, like me, everybody knew what you meant and there really wasn’t any confusion, regardless of how picky some people get. I know Lisa but couldn’t make it to the party, I’m glad it went well and you enjoyed yourself. She has been posting on Facebook for months about all the details leading up to the party so I kinda feel like I was there anyway! Nice post.
Aw thanks so much! It was the best party! And yeah sadly I never saw Ghostbusters, but good to know who is who!
Erin, I know what you meant too, and you should definitely watch Ghostbusters….it’s a must see movie. All your pictures are Awesome! We were so happy to have you and Josh and your friends here…we appreciate how much effort you put in to everything…I love seeing people who get the most out of life and who make every moment count, you keep doing what your doing!
Thanks for the lion pumpkin idea!
You’re welcome! Happy Halloween!