It’s crazy to me to think that I started this blog at 20 years old and here I am nearly 10 years later, still writing and sharing my life with you. You guys have been with me through some of my biggest life moments and changes. (Getting married! Moving to the Midwest!) I am so thankful for blogging and the community it has brought me. I wish there was more opportunities for us to sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee together, so I thought today would be a fun day to do so virtually and catch you up on my life lately:
- Josh and I are three months into home ownership and it is so much fun but also so so so much work. I want to snap my fingers and have the entire place made over but life just doesn’t work that way unfortunately. I’m learning to be patient, and enjoy the progress as we make it.
- We just had the first full sunshine and warm weather weekend since winter started and it was the absolute best. I feel like I am a plant. When I get sunshine and love I bloom. When I have to spend my days indoors surrounded by darkness and gloom I become sad. Bring on spring!
- Life has been rather odd since the company I work for announced it was getting acquired. I feel like I went from having a pretty solid life plan for the next few years to life kind of being up in the air. I’m not good with uncertainty but I know the best thing I can do is work hard, be flexible, and keep my options open. What’s meant to be will find a way.
- In that same vein of being flexible, I’ve decided to condense my MBA coursework to graduate this December. My company pays for it, and it makes the most sense to try and get it done as soon as possible. It has made present times a bit more stressful as I’m trying to balance all my classes with a full-time job, my social life, and my blog, but I know it will be worth it in the end.
- I have trips to Vegas, Austin, and the Jersey Shore coming up in the next few months and I cannot wait. Traveling is truly the thing that makes me the happiest in the world. I feel like I learn and grow and discover so many new things about the world and myself with each trip I take. Bring on sunshine, warm weather, and time near the water!
- I’ve been working really hard to try and take care of my mental and physical health. Making sure I’m sleeping enough, eating lot of fruits and veggies, and spending time with friends. Life is too short to be stressed and/or worried all the time, so I’m really trying to breathe, relax, and savor up the moment.
Questions of the Day: How is life going for you at the moment? Any big life updates?
Loving your blog so far!
What a great little life update here! Always happy to know what’s going on for the blogger behind the blog too 🙂 I think it’s important that we share our “real lives” and not just the pretty moments. Glad you’re enjoying home ownership and have some fun trips planned. Those are great things!
So much going on and things to look forward to. Congrats on home ownership! It’s all a process when it comes to putting together a home and making it feel & look like the way you want.
congrats in your new home. I’m a realtor so I know how crazy the process is. You’re gonna love vegas! It’s one of my fave places to visit!
This is such a great update! That is so exciting about your MBA plans to finish this December!!
cute & little
It’s nice to read your life updates! I had no idea that you have been blogging for so long. I’m sure you have lots of memories written down!
Oh my gosh so many amazing things happening in your life right now! Congrats on being homeowners and on getting ready to graduate! That’s huge! And a few trips coming up are just what you need! I love when I have upcoming trips to plan for!
Whew, it looks like you have a lot going on – from homeownership to work uncertainty, you have a lot on your plate! You are handling it like a champ!
Wow great things you have achieved in your life. Congrats for your home ownership and exotic trips to Vegas.
Congrats on being a new homeowner! I know your job must be stressful right now given the current circumstances of the company being acquired. Thankfully, you have a lot of important accomplishments to be proud of, and a lot of great things to look forward to! This was actually so nice to read. Keep taking care of your mental and physical health too. It’s so important!
Congrats on home ownership! It is a process to get settled and decorate a new home. Its been a year since I moved in to my new home and I am still not done but as you rightfully said enjoy the progress as you make it.
I love this life update! Congrats on 10 years!!! You have had a lot of growth !