Happy 4th of July! I’m posting this late because Josh and I were at a lake party last night and I proceeded to crash as soon as I got home. It felt so good to sleep! But without further ado, here’s my Friday Five!
1. Happy Birthday America!
I’m so proud to be an American and so grateful to live in the USA. If you’re celebrating Independence Day I hope you and your family have a very happy holiday. I’ll be back with a recap of my 4th of July celebrations on Monday.
2. Josh ran a 10k
While I was at FitBloggin’ Josh ran his first 10k! He’s been battling a knee injury but has been seeing a Physical Therapist for the last few months and it paid off! He can run pain free again and finished his first 10k in 63:50. What a rockstar. I’m so grateful he didn’t ignore the pain and try and run through it. All the PT visits are so worth him getting a clean bill of health and getting to run again.
3. This awesome time-lapse of my city
Omaha is where it’s at guys! I love the Midwest and am so incredibly happy we live here. I thought this time-lapse video of Downtown Omaha was really fun!
4. The Thong Song channel on Pandora
My friend Lily clued me into this while I was in Hawaii. If you’re looking for a good music channel with your favorite 90’s songs, you have to listen to The Thong Song channel on Pandora. It’s perfect for a party, a run, or just a trip down memory lane. Thank you, Sisqo.
5. This list of 4th of July sales!
Holla for saving a dollah! I am so excited for all the sales this weekend and may find myself doing a little online shopping… 😀
Question of the Day: What are your 4th of July plans?
I’m cracking up at the thought of the songs on The Thong song channel! I would have never thought! My Monday is about to be awesome now!
I listen to it at work all the time! Haha It’s always a nice blast from the past.
I once tried to sing Thong Song at karaoke… knew the lyrics didn’t remember all the weird noises in between haha.
haha Oh man. Major kudos to you for singing that song at karaoke. I’ve always wanted to try karaoke but am such a chicken. I feel like I’d have to be super drunk to even attempt it. ;p