Hello from the other side of 22!! I first want to thank you guys for the outpouring of love and birthday wishes on yesterday’s post, Twitter, and Facebook! Seriously, it means so much to me and you guys helped make my birthday so special!
And what an awesome birthday it was! After getting out of work I headed over to Josh’s to get ready for my birthday dinner. Josh and I both love getting dressed up so I was so excited to get to dress a little fancy and go out to a nice meal with him. We decided on Mario’s, one of our favorite State College restaurants, that makes some of the most incredible Italian food.
22nd Birthday Shot!
My handsome fiance. 😀 I love getting to say that!
We toasted with wine (for him) and a bellini (for me) to many, many more years of celebrating birthdays together.
We started off with their breads and eggplant dips. Oh these are wonderful! I had to remind myself to only have a little to save room for all the food we ordered!
For an appetizer we got ricotta asparagus pizza. It was so good, the ricotta had lemon in it and it was just the most amazing pizza. I could go for another one right now. ;p
As good as the pizza was my entree definitely held its own. I got the mushroom gnocchi and it was out of this world. Three kinds of mushrooms, spinach, cheese, and the softest lightly buttered gnocchi made for a perfect dish. Marios really knows how to cook food.
Josh’s dish was the one I almost ordered, their seasonal favorite, pumpkin ravioli! I’m so glad he got it because it was phenomenal and he was sweet and shared raviolis with me. 😀
A man walking by our table was so kind to offer to take a picture. I really like this one. 🙂
When we got home we snacked on some pumpkin muffins. Josh was so sweet and made these as a surprise for me. They are delicious! I love that it’s pumpkin season!
Josh also surprised me with a gift! Because we are saving up for a wedding next year we agreed to forgo birthday and Christmas/Hanukkah presents this year since we both normally like to do lots of big gifts and that could get expensive. Josh got me a really sweet card and then surprised me with another mini pillow pet penguin. I love penguins and over time have been amassing quite the penguin collection thanks to Josh.
This one (that we named Scout) is so cute and has lights on his back that project onto the ceiling. We turned off the lights and watched the ceiling stars for a while.
Our star gazing was accompanied with fresh hot cider. Josh makes the most incredible apple cider with tons of spices and fresh ginger and cranberries. I was so excited when he told me he got all the ingredients to make more. It was without a doubt the best cider I’ve ever had. Having a little splash of Apple Jack in it definitely didn’t hurt. ;p
And that was my 22nd birthday. 🙂 It was wonderful and I felt so lucky I got to celebrate it with Josh!
Question of the Day: What kind of drink do you typically drink when going out to eat? I’m a sweet, fruity, girly drinks kind of person all the way! ;p
Happy Birthday! I like girly drinks too :).
Thanks so much! Girly drinks are the best! 😀
Looks like it was a wonderful day – happy birthday again!! Jealous of your homemade cider
Thank you so much! I was telling Josh he needs to bottle this cider, it’s incredible!!
Looks like you had a fantastic Celebration!!! I’m not a drinker so I usually just stick to water at restaurants lol! If I was though, I’d be all for fruity!! Spa Love!
Aw thank you girl, it was an awesome celebration!! 🙂
awwww yay! I”m glad you had such a great dinner! I love saying fiance too! (: I alsoooo loveeeee penguines! that gift is sooooo adorable!
Isn’t it the cutest!! I now have three penguin pillow pets! haha I think I’m secretly 5. ;p
happy late birthday! You are so funny, I remember being engaged and thinking it was so weird to say “fiance” then “husband” sadly, the novelty of it does go away. 🙁 enjoy it!
Aw thank you! And good to know, I definitely will!
I always turn it on the waiter! I love to just tell them to surprise me and see what comes out. It hasn’t failed yet! and I always get something that I NEVER would have ordered.
Give it a try! The last time I got a Fruit Loop drink that was delicious!
Yes! I do this at bars too! I always tell the bartender I like sweet, fruity drinks and to surprise me with their favorite and it’s always amazing! They are the ones with the knowledge on that stuff!
I drive past Mario’s pretty much any time I need to get to campus, but I never stop there. However, that asparagus ricotta pizza looks incredibly amazing.
Also, if you like lychees/lychee flavored things, I would recommend Soho lychee liqeur (if you can find it) mixed with club soda or sprite, or canned lychees with a bit of the syrup in some sparkling wine. So delicious!
Omg that sounds amazing!! I love lychee, I discovered it in hawaii and miss it so much!!
What an awesome birthday you had girl!!! That food looks delicious!!! So glad you had such a great day with your fiance!!! 🙂
Thank you s much!! The day was incredible and the food was delicious!
I’m the opposite of sweet. I like vodka and soda, martini’s and wine. I also love pumpkin raviolis. 🙂
The pumpkin raviolis were incredible! And I really like vodka too! 😀
Happy Birthday! I LOVE getting dressed up for special occasions with my husband it makes it seem extra special. It looks like your meal was delicious and your penguin is adorable!
It was such a fun night, getting dressed up is the best! And thank you, I love my glow worm penguin! 😀