25 has been a big year for me. I started a dream job, traveled to some incredible places, and made some big decisions for the future. And I still have a few months of my 25th year of life left to see what new adventures await!
Growing up, I couldn’t wait to be older. Now, I want to be exactly the age I am. I’m constantly learning things about the world and discovering new things about myself. 25 is a year of incredible juxtapositions. I feel both confident and in control of my future while also feeling clueless and unsure of what’s to come. Adulting at its finest. 😉
Here are 5 (of my) thoughts on being 25:

1. Life at 25 is having one friend recount an awkward Tinder date she went on last weekend while another discusses the pros and cons of a second baby. After years of going through life stages with your peers at relatively the same time, 25 is when people start to live by their own timelines. As a married 25-year-old with an adopted fur-baby (and no plans for a real baby anytime soon), I feel like I fall in the middle of the spectrum.
2. Life at 25 is still dealing with acne breakouts while beginning to worry about wrinkles. It sucks, people.
3. Life at 25 is starting to make decisions not just because of immediate wants, but because of long-term needs. (Hello, home down payments, rainy day funds, and life insurance!) While patience and delayed gratification aren’t always fun, it’s usually worth it in the end.
4. Life at 25 is being so very thankful for your professional job (and starting to feel like it’s no longer appropriate to call it your “big girl job”). Going to college during the height of the recession, you know it’s a blessing to have a job that uses your degree and allows you to earn a good living. That said, you still spend many Monday mornings wishing you could time-travel back to college when you knew nothing and had nothing but were blissfully ignorant and much less tired.
5. Life at 25 is realizing that while you still want to be young, you no longer are. There’s a younger generation doing crazy things you can’t understand and using slang that makes no sense to you. Your generation is moving on to the next stage in life. While it’s scary to get older and leave youth behind, it’s also really exciting to see what comes next. Life is a journey and you’re entering the prime of it.

This post was written as part of the Allstate Influencer Program and sponsored by Allstate. All opinions are mine. As the nation’s largest publicly held personal lines insurer, Allstate is dedicated not only to protecting what matters most–but to help protect your firsts and the moments in between. Share your firsts with #HeresToFirsts
Love it! I’m now 27 (but feel 25!) and those are all so true! I think life at 25 is realizing that you may not be where you thought you’d be, but life is still great and there is still so much time to achieve your dreams!
Yes! If anything I’m discovering more dreams the older I get!
I can relate to all of these and I just turned 28! I felt very “adult” when I turned 25 I recall, but basically the last 3 years have been a blur and I still feel all of the things you mentioned 🙂
I swear the older I get the more time flies! It’s crazy!
Hey, I can relate to all things u said! Love this post…. I am 25 as well….. And now I m at a stage where I feel like I am young but I old enough to take bigger decisions in my life without anyone’s help… It feels so confusing sometimes, it’s like I want to move on see what life has to offer but I am scared at the same time.
Yep! A crazy mix of excited and scared!
I’m also 25 (for three more weeks!) and I relate to this so much! It’s totally unfair that I still get breakouts AND have a streak of grey hair!
Enjoy your last few weeks!!
I’m coming up on 30 and can hardly imagine one baby let alone 2, hah! Enjoy the day. 25 was fun. I think 27&28 have been my favorites thus far though 😉
Glad to hear the best of my 20’s are yet to come! 🙂
I’m turning 30 this year and still don’t feel like I know what I’m doing, but that’s what makes it a grand adventure!
Yes! Life is one big adventure!
As a 25 yo, I can totally relate to everything you said here! It is a weird place to be and I am noticing that people our age are starting to drift into different places in life. However, I’m so grateful to be this age and at this moment. I think 25 is a year where you start to look outside of yourself and appreciate all of the blessings around you. Thanks for this really great blog post 🙂
Yes! 25 is a year of supreme gratefulness for me!
Love this! I just hit the 25-year milestone and it definitely feels like a big one. I appreciate the positive views!
Enjoy 25!!
i am turning 30 this year and i can still relate to all of the above, esp #2 and #4.
I wish we got less tired as we get older instead of more tired!
I relate to so many of these! I have a few weeks left of 25. Not ready to head into “late 20s,” ahh! Where did the time go?!
I know! I’m already freaking out thinking about 26 and my birthday isn’t until September! Enjoy your last few weeks!!
Girl, I turned 30 this year. It was hard but it’s actually been my best year yet!