I love reading about what people eat during the day. Is that weird? It’s similar to how I like reading about what’s in people’s purses and grocery bags and closets. Long story short: I’m nosey.
I haven’t ever really done a post where I take you through what I eat in a day, so I thought I might as well do a What I Ate Wednesday (or Tuesday… since I actually ate all of this stuff on Tuesday). Here’s what I ate for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everything in between!
Breakfast was 2/3rds a cup of oatmeal with a tablespoon of almond butter and a tablespoon of mixed berry jam. It was like a toasted PB&J sandwich. It’s such a yummy way to start off the day.
I also drank my now daily half scoop of Daily Energy and half scoop of Pro-Sculpt. It’s crazy how much I look forward to drinking this every morning. For more info on these products and their benefits I suggest checking out Jess’s post on supplements.
Lunch was while I was working in my office. (Can you spot my sweet Snuggie?) It’s 2 cups of spinach, a handful of sliced chicken breast, a handful of crumbled cheddar cheese, and a half an apple. I top it off with my favorite balsamic vinegar. I’m currently loving the peach flavor.
My late afternoon snack is 3/4 a cup of Kashi mixed with Stonyfield 0% Fat Plain Greek Yogurt. I ate it on my bouncy ball at work while creating some collages.
After work I swung by Whole Foods to pick up some snacks for eating by Molly’s pool. She was having a happy hour with girlfriends which I decided was a very good reason to deviate from my weekday meal routine. (I typically have a veggie burger for dinner, popcorn for a snack, and tea for dessert.)
Dinner was fresh guacamole and chicken salad on a piece of pretzel bread. Times three. And there were a few glasses of wine involved. 😉
Molly is one of the best cooks I know. I have no clue how she can cook like she does and not weigh 600 pounds. She made this peach cobbler that I went to town on. I’ve seriously never had peach cobbler this good. It was worth all sugar and carbs.
Not worth the carbs: the copious amounts of Wheat Thins (Ranch! My weakness.) and Pretzel Crisps I consumed by the pool as we had the most inappropriate but absolutely hysterical conversations.
Time with girlfriends is such a good thing. While it was not the greatest for my waistline it was definitely good for my soul. I’ll be back to my regularly scheduled eating today, and plan on doing a 7 minute workout session after work. (7 minutes time 3 to create a full 20 minute HIIT workout)
Questions of the Day: Do you eat the same foods over and over during the week? Are you able to get together with girlfriends and not eat all.the.things?
My breakfast and lunch is so boring that I’d never to a WIAW about them. Basically the same thing every day. I get together so rarely with girlfriends that when I do, I don’t worry too much about what I eat. Time to celebrate!
I love celebrating with girlfriends! I just have to work on making healthier choices while I’m with them.
I generally eat the same things daily, well, unless I have to go out for lunch or dinner meetings, which I have been doing a lot lately, but if I have it my way… The same foods pass my lips every day because ummm YUM! 🙂 And now you have me craving Whole Foods! ha ha.
I’m always craving Whole Foods! haha
I really, really want that avocado chicken salad bread. And the cobbler. (And wine.) Haha!
I eat the same things during the week, but I change it from week to week. I do one massive grocery trip and meal prep, so it works best that way for me.
Omg the avocado chicken salad bread and peach cobbler were SO good! I want to eat them all over again!
pb&j oatmeal looks delicious!!
Oh man I love it!
Looks tasty! I typically go through stages where I find a few things I am loving and that seems to be all i eat until something else strikes my fancy. Hey, it keeps things easy!
I’m the same way!
I love that mason jar/straw combo! So cute! And I am obsessed with those pretzel cracker things, once I start I just can’t stop!
Oh man the pretzel things are soo good!
I am a Wheat Thin addict! I eat them pretty much everyday. Ranch is one of my favorite flavors too.
I love Ranch everything!
I totally eat all the things when I’m out with friends. Zero self control, especially if I have a glass of beer or wine.
I tend to eat something different every night for dinner because my family likes variety. I usually eat the leftovers for lunch, so I don’t have to think about what to cook…
I’m the same – I have issues with self control with friends and after a drink or two! I’ve been working on that! 🙂
I’m trying! It’s a slow progress. 😉
It’s good to know I’m not the only one with zero self control when out with friends!
Pretzel bread = <3
Looks like you girls had a blast! Yay for gorgeous summer nights!
The weather has been awesome lately! I wish it would stay like this forever!
Ooooohhh, peach cobbler! Yum. I love summer fruit!
Oh man it was the BEST peach cobbler!
Pretzel crisps and Wheat Thins are like crack so I totally understand why you ate them by the handful… it’s nearly impossible to do anything other than that! 😉
They’re so addicting!!
Yummy eats Erin! And I love getting together with girlfriends! It doesn’t happen as often as I’d like though!
I’m trying to enjoy it now before everyone starts having babies and get togethers are much different! 😀
That guac and chicken salad on pretzel bread combo sounds divine! I could eat quite a few slices of that as well 😉 My way of avoiding eating too much when out with girlfriends is by suggesting going to a restaurant where I know there are healthy options or bringing a snack that I made that I know all the ingredients in and enjoy (like homemade salsa and veggies). And activities! Like we’ll do food and then we’ll go dancing to burn off the extra calories. Time with girlfriends is definitely good for the soul, agreed.
I would love to go out dancing with girlfriends! I have not done that in way too long!
Yum! The chicken salad ON TOP of guac sounds genius. If you end up like the Pro Sculpt I have a bottle with like 6 scoops gone from it that I don’t have the heart to just toss since I paid for it at GNC. I really don’t like fruit punch and couldn’t get over the taste. I’d sell it to you for like $15 with shipping-email me if interested!
Omg it was such a good dinner. Ohh emailing you! Thanks girl!
We eat a lot of variety (except for breakfast) – but I think the blogging has be cooking more than I typically would! Looks like a lovely night with friends!
It was such a fun night! Blogging helps keep me creative too!
Woo! I’ve been wanting you to pick up WIAW posts! Is that weird? 🙂 I just feel like you have plenty of delicious options where you live now, haha.
Wine is incredible but it gives me munchies, as does cider, beer, etc….. oops!